TLC Weekly Update October 19, 2024

Yet another all time high with S&P500 this week while Nasdaq 100 lacking behind. The stock market looks unstoppable while the FURUs out there having two extremely opposite opinions on what will happen in the coming months. We are just 2-3 weeks until US election. Historically the US stock market are more likely to pullback until the election result is in. We will see if this year the same pattern recurs.

And we also have the potential drama of election results being challenged similar to what happened back in year 2020. At this point if you still believe year 2020 election results was not manipulated, you have a mental issue. The question is how long does it takes this time to decide who is the winner.

My bet is that it will take, literally, forever. Why? All US mainstream media are paddling that Harris is actually gaining ground and is like a 50-50 bet at this point against Trump. Musk pointed out German MSMs even calling Harris is at 70% chance of winning at this point. However, third party polls and betting sites all tell a different story with Trump’s lead widening. So whatever the outcome of the election, there will be people not believing in the results, even if the election is not rigged.

Here is an interesting video of Doomberg talking about the upcoming disruption of US economy. What is explained in the video is very simple to understand. Yet, the whole world seems to be so disconnected to reality …

Lately, there are so many ads on all kinds of money making schemes from trading options to all kinds of hustles, it reminds me of Tom Vu. Here is a funny recount of his work from 1990s.

Time for something funny for a relaxed weekend.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update October 12, 2024

Another new high for S&P500 this week with AAII sentiment reaching new low for bearish sentiment. Large banks all upgrade their forecasts with higher level for both SPX and NDX. Yet, perma bears are warning that a crash is coming. Who to trust?

Here is a take of the current market situation by a veteran trader. One thing great about Jason Shapiro is that he is a traditional pro who look at the markets as a whole and adapt to the environment.

A great clip of Kelly McGonigal on why doing 15-20 minutes exercise every morning is essential to start your day. Enjoy!

A discussion on upcoming energy play by Doomberg. I agree that given winter is coming and that Europe is now pretty much all messed up by Ukraine for its refusal to transmit natural gas to other countries from Russia. A crisis is definitely in the making.

This weekend marks the end of Pluto in Capricorn era as Pluto turned direct on Friday and is marching towards Aquarius. By November 19, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for good. Be ready for the subtle changes worldwide. The post picture is a hint on what to expect – whatever you sowed since 2008, be ready to face the consequences now.

As usual, am going back to work now. Good trading and Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update October 5, 2024

Another week of surprise in the stock market with strong NFP leading to another attempt to push for all time high. Isn’t it amazing even though FURUs believe that a strong number would tank the market?

Remember the stock market is not a random machine. Things that matters in the stock market are really controlled by a small group of people.

A new magic number to watch out for is 9-9-9. I can’t disclose much more due to a promise.

This October is supposed to be very important astrologically because of Pluto finally finishing its retrograde motion by the 11th near Capricorn 29 degree and will then resume the normal path to exit Capricorn and enter Aquarius for good by early November. Once that is done, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for about 20 years.

Many astrologers on YouTube have long videos discussing the impact. Here is one talking about what to expect in 2025. Many people, especially those who have done a lot of bad things since 2008 when Pluto enters Capricorn, may face karmatic consequences. Last time the world saw this shift is back in 17th century when many countries worldwide burnt to the ground due to civil wars and revolutions.

Even normal technical analysts are picking up signals that the current up trend in the stock market is unsustainable.

Bears have to keep in mind that those who control the world learn from past market corrections and always finding new ways to mess it up even further. Current market bubble is the direct results of Fed and its peers’ interventions. That’s why all these correlations long term funds are using no longer work.

I received quite a number of requests on my view of the recent mega rally in China. I don’t think I am the right person to discuss about this because I do not follow the Chinese stock markets. What I gathered from the news and the price actions is that it is clearly the same kind of government manipulations used by the Fed to squeeze the shorts. China just took one step further to make sure the short must take a huge loss. Given the new policy on all existing mortgages, we can countdown to nationalization of their banks in no time. All in the name of greater good for the people, but is it?

Not fear mongering, but the reality of WW3 is very real now. It you are religious and forget to pray for a long time, you should start doing it. For those who are not religious, you may as well look at your bucket list.

Back to work.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update September 28, 2024

Another record high week for S&P500 while Nasdaq 100 doing its best to get closer to its all-time-high above. Impressive work by the bulls indeed.

But but but but … yen carry unwind is threatening to happen again. Well, Fed will do whatever it takes to ensure our financial system can survive enough time until all their masters, friends and family are ready for the eventual happening of the crisis.

So what to expect in coming months?

Here is an ultimate bull, Raoul Pal, talking about his view of the financial markets. He made a number of valid arguments and that if he is correct, it will be a very different world in 6 years.

On the other hand, we have those who believe a major shock to the markets is imminent.

So what do I believe, is far simpler – Florida is a great example of what I believe is happening to Earth. The weather changes caused by our solar system, especially the Sun, instead of the idiotic stupid man-made b.s., will give us a world very difficult to deal with in coming years. It will only get worse. That impact is never taken into account by these financial gurus …

Now, when bulls and bears are fighting and that we do not know who to believe, let’s add astrology into the mix, in hope of finding some clues.

Remember our world is really shaped by events. So as long as these incoming events throwing a curve ball to us, the world will change direction and everyone on Earth will be affected.

This weekend I have triple workload than my regular schedule after marathon meetings with several firms led to the need to provide customized reporting of our algos. Back to work now.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update September 21, 2024

New all-time-high S&P500 weekly close is now in place. Everyone who thought that the yen carry trade unwind would destroy the financial markets are now scratching their heads while losing tons of money betting on it.

So is it now clean sail to higher prices? I don’t think so.

Here is a funny prediction about the upcoming US president election using astrology. If he is correct, this will be a very bizarre sequence of events to unfold going all the way into inauguration.

A frank discussion of what to do when the current economic landscape is changing rapidly. One point that stands out is that we cannot just look at the expected down turn in the economy and react to that because what the policy makers will do in response to that matters even more.

Yuval Noah Harari is coming out with a new book hence his road show of interviews popping up everywhere. Here is one of them with him talking about the theme of his new book. Since we all know he is a hitman working for the dark side, you can figure out the purpose of this book is to promote their agenda.

My team is working overtime to get more algos ready for last quarter this year. So back to work for me.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update September 14, 2024

Second time in a row the world famous PPT stepped in to save the US stock market when Japanese yen breaking to new highs against US dollar. You may heard that it was NVidia CEO’s quip that sparked the rally. Don’t be fooled.

Howard Marks made a series of short videos discussing several basic concepts that is fundamental to make sound investment decisions. This one is my favorite so far.

Patrick Boyle came up with another funny video poking on the bullshit ventures and apps we see popping up everywhere.

I like the explanation from this video on why the baby boomer generation is the biggest rise in birth rate worldwide. One thing I disagree with the video is BoA’s claim of a new baby boom is coming because we already see a total bust of all birth rates around the world since 2023.

This is rollover week for index futures so another busy weekend for me.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update September 7, 2024

First week of September turns into a real shocker for the US stock markets according to FURUs and whatever Elliott Wave “seers”. Well, as I said it does not matter all these fancy analysis pointing to higher prices a week ago. What really matters are the risk factors outside of the bubble of financial world.

Here is an interesting discussion on all kinds of conspiracies that can affect our lives. One thing to keep in mind is that even what the guest said are all true, we still have to survive today first …

Finally, someone just said it out loud what really caused the 2008 financial crisis – an evil person who abused his power and yet we see no punishment to him and his associates.

If there is one thing that keeps me up at night, it would be what Eric Weinstein said in this video. However, I am also hopeful that even if the world falling into chaos is inevitable, humankind will likely adapt and survive.

Lots of work for me this weekend so can’t even take a break today even though it is so nice outside.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update August 31, 2024

Two whole weeks of SPX trading inside the same tight range ended August with an up close above July close. What a well fought battle between the bulls and the bears. The crowd madness is so extreme that even after one of the largest customers of NVidia proven to have serious accounting issues, could not send the major indices lower, at all.

So how do we make sense out of all these conflicting news? This discussion of the current market environment can give those of you who care about the financial markets some food for thoughts.

One of the main concerns for many is that whether a stock market crash is coming. My take on this is both yes and no. Yes, the current stock market environment is at risk of a major correction of 20-50%. But, the US government and the Fed will do everything in their power, include shutting down the stock exchanges, to stop such crash from happening.

An interesting discussion about the inevitability of a US civil war and other disastrous events coming to US and other western countries. If you keep up with real world information from X, instead of MSMs like CNN, etc., you already know that what this guy said is true. The question is how to survive such big changes in coming years.

And here is someone’s view on how to get through that.

Personally, I think everyone should learn more practical skills to prepare for this expected future. Things that are considered replaceable easily may not be the case several years down the road, meaning that we may have to repair broken items again and again until we can’t.

Until then, life goes on and my projects are piling on as usual that require my attention everyday.

Have a nice long weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update August 24, 2024

Another interesting week of roller coaster ride at a smaller scale, ended with Powell saying what everyone knows already. Yet the US stock market reacted as if it does not know about it … crowd madness at its best.

Howard Marks’ latest “Memo” provides many good points to consider for navigating the current market environment. Not a long video so take your time to watch.

Nassim Taleb explains this interesting behaviour of our society that shapes the world. In my opinion this is why the modern world is destined to doom.

Many doomsday scenarios showing up on Youtube predicting all kinds of major disasters to happen soon. The funny thing is, if you are as curious as I am, that you search backward into past years of videos available on YT, you would find similar kinds of videos predicting doomsday at those periods. Yet, we are still here.

What does that tell us? Well, it is a very difficult task to figure out the exact time window for the end of the world and no one successfully called it right, yet.

On the other hand, we do not need these astrology or whatsoever voodoo stuff to guess what is coming. Just look at how messed up the US politics is, or that how irresponsible the way US government and its peers spending has become, we all know tough time is coming, even if there is no end of the world level disasters.

But if you must, here is a potential end of the world disaster in the making to keep you up at night. Similar to another one that is expected to happen soon enough near Japan, there are just too many of these potential threats caused by Earth changes to keep count of. And no, they are not caused by human, so stop b.s. to yourself blaming your neighbors for not doing their recycling properly.

One more week to go before month end and I am extremely pleased with our newly deployed trading algos. My team is working harder than ever to take on more markets as they see our hard work is paying off.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update August 17, 2024

Another wonderful week of extreme intraday volatility that ended with option expiration Friday closing near the high of the week. This proves how surreal the US stock market really is – nothing more than a casino with all these money chasing after the next game available.

So here we go again with more FURUs coming out claiming they were right after all … this video provides a balanced view of what to expect next. Of course, a balanced view also means making no directional calls that retail public love.

Bears are extremely quiet after the stellar run last Thursday and Friday while the bulls came out claiming victory like this one.

While many people getting so attached to the gambling den, what really matters now are often ignored. For example, the future of the super powers (US, Russia and China) are very important in shaping where the world is heading. Given this, I highly suspect US will not come out ahead.

I have seen quite a number of astrology videos calling this August full moon being a time of critical moment for world events and reversal of personal fortunes. Here is a video from Joni Patry, the astrologer who correctly called the COVID crisis, on what may happen in coming days.

This month so far is proven very fruitful for our deployment of our trading algos trading more markets.

Back to work for me and Have a great weekend all!