Two whole weeks of SPX trading inside the same tight range ended August with an up close above July close. What a well fought battle between the bulls and the bears. The crowd madness is so extreme that even after one of the largest customers of NVidia proven to have serious accounting issues, could not send the major indices lower, at all.
So how do we make sense out of all these conflicting news? This discussion of the current market environment can give those of you who care about the financial markets some food for thoughts.
One of the main concerns for many is that whether a stock market crash is coming. My take on this is both yes and no. Yes, the current stock market environment is at risk of a major correction of 20-50%. But, the US government and the Fed will do everything in their power, include shutting down the stock exchanges, to stop such crash from happening.
An interesting discussion about the inevitability of a US civil war and other disastrous events coming to US and other western countries. If you keep up with real world information from X, instead of MSMs like CNN, etc., you already know that what this guy said is true. The question is how to survive such big changes in coming years.
And here is someone’s view on how to get through that.
Personally, I think everyone should learn more practical skills to prepare for this expected future. Things that are considered replaceable easily may not be the case several years down the road, meaning that we may have to repair broken items again and again until we can’t.
Until then, life goes on and my projects are piling on as usual that require my attention everyday.
Have a nice long weekend all!