TLC Weekly Update August 24, 2024

Another interesting week of roller coaster ride at a smaller scale, ended with Powell saying what everyone knows already. Yet the US stock market reacted as if it does not know about it … crowd madness at its best.

Howard Marks’ latest “Memo” provides many good points to consider for navigating the current market environment. Not a long video so take your time to watch.

Nassim Taleb explains this interesting behaviour of our society that shapes the world. In my opinion this is why the modern world is destined to doom.

Many doomsday scenarios showing up on Youtube predicting all kinds of major disasters to happen soon. The funny thing is, if you are as curious as I am, that you search backward into past years of videos available on YT, you would find similar kinds of videos predicting doomsday at those periods. Yet, we are still here.

What does that tell us? Well, it is a very difficult task to figure out the exact time window for the end of the world and no one successfully called it right, yet.

On the other hand, we do not need these astrology or whatsoever voodoo stuff to guess what is coming. Just look at how messed up the US politics is, or that how irresponsible the way US government and its peers spending has become, we all know tough time is coming, even if there is no end of the world level disasters.

But if you must, here is a potential end of the world disaster in the making to keep you up at night. Similar to another one that is expected to happen soon enough near Japan, there are just too many of these potential threats caused by Earth changes to keep count of. And no, they are not caused by human, so stop b.s. to yourself blaming your neighbors for not doing their recycling properly.

One more week to go before month end and I am extremely pleased with our newly deployed trading algos. My team is working harder than ever to take on more markets as they see our hard work is paying off.

Have a great weekend all!

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