TLC Weekly Update January 3, 2020


Good to be recovering from my sickness. One benefit from being ill is that I lose all the weight gained during the trip. So no need to figure out how to reduce those weight anymore. Just that getting a six-pack this year will still be quite far fetched … I am still hopeful!

Came across this article on using the mental technique of speaking to yourself in the third person can make you wiser. Well, it is exactly what I advocate for a long time to help traders improve their decision making ability. This technique is not something new as the article pointed out that even Julius Caesar used the method to improve his thought process.

Talking about New Year resolution – I have many projects that are yet to be completed. Given last year’s momentum, I am sure I can get quite a number of them wrapped up this year. The ones that I wanted to get done this year (in no particular order):

1. Courseware on Market Breadth Based Day Trading Strategies

2. At least 6 webinars / video lessons for DaytradingBias and the training courses

3. Release of my day trading strategies for gold future, bond future, etc.

4. Release of 2nd edition of Special Theory of Price Discovery

#4 holds very special meaning for me because having the 2nd edition released this year would be the 10th anniversary of the initial release of the first edition. I have the edited version of first edition on hand and I have already wrote like 50% more. I still feel like I have not put enough explanation there to help traders seeing the financial markets in my way, which is drastically different from the norm out there.

Very happy that I get to play these mini puzzles with my son last night. I picked up these puzzles while I was checking out the bookstores in Hong Kong. I cannot find them on Amazon though.



It used to be me who finish the puzzle in no time. Now he beats me hands down. I blame it on my presbyopia!

Happy New Year!

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