First week of the year ended with a blast going higher. Isn’t that the expected outcome? Every big firm knows that by pushing the indices higher they can make a talking point about the “January Effect” all over media to lure more retail investors to pile on this all-time-high market.
This video on US real estate is concerning because the trends explained by RedFin CEO show a complicated environment for anyone who are planning to sell or buy properties this year.
Every year we see all these end of the world predictions on youtube yet we are still doing alright. Is it time to worry about that this year? Here is one such video to scare you.
If that does not get you concerned, here is a good overview of the global economic landscape right now and some helpful suggestions on what to do with your portfolios.
I still remember telling everyone to buy gold years ago again and again but rarely people can get out of their comfort zone to do it. I am not sure if anyone would be comfortable to do that now since gold has gone up a lot already.
Back to work as usual.
Have a great weekend all!