TLC Weekly Update July 20, 2024

So funny that SPX has to print 5666 this week, a tad higher than last week’s high, before the selloff was allowed to happen. Now that the message was sent. Let’s see if it can produce a reasonable correction over the coming weeks or months.

I was asked to provide my view of the markets on longer term basis and I mentioned that we are in similar conditions like 2007 (and other major tops in the past) that the leaders will go into deep correction which will take time to resolve. A 10% correction is reasonable and not something concerning.

Of course, if the 0-DTE options somehow acting up, this may lead to the chaos we have seen back in 1987 but we have no evidence of that happening, yet.

A new video from Hugh Hendry – not much new information from him on the market. It is just fun to watch him talking.

Interesting talk about the Japanese genetic make-up. Equipped with this new information, it all makes sense but then Japanese government may have to reposition themselves in terms of their bullshit on ancestry.

For those of you concerning much about your investment portfolio, here is DoubleLine’s midyear outlook. In short, we are entering a difficult time economically worldwide – as US economy slows down, it will hurt other countries too. Tough time ahead.

I am still on turbo mode working on my projects. We are pushing for deployment of more trading models next month so exciting time for us.

Have a great weekend all!

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