TLC Weekly Update October 25, 2019


My test drive of Interactive Broker working with MultiCharts is completed. It works pretty well with some minor issues here and there. So far it is definitely a functional setup for automated trading. I will write more about this combination at DaytradingBias.

Nassim Taleb did this interview talking about his book Skin in the Game. I like the way he talked about Paul Krugman and other dysfunctional academics. He really does not give a sh*t and speak whatever he wants.

I have some serious moving to be done this weekend, including some major reorganization of my storage. I need this clean up done for several years. As usual, I procrastinate over these things until one day I just jump on it.

The introduction webinar at is now scheduled on Nov 12th. Those of you interested in participating can visit the site and sign up.

I finally catch up with my backlog of emails. Going forward I will schedule regular webinars at DaytradingBias so that members can just watch the videos instead of firing tons of questions to me. Sometimes it is just that much easier to explain things with pictures and examples that you can see.

Have a great weekend all!

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