TLC Weekly Update October 5, 2024

Another week of surprise in the stock market with strong NFP leading to another attempt to push for all time high. Isn’t it amazing even though FURUs believe that a strong number would tank the market?

Remember the stock market is not a random machine. Things that matters in the stock market are really controlled by a small group of people.

A new magic number to watch out for is 9-9-9. I can’t disclose much more due to a promise.

This October is supposed to be very important astrologically because of Pluto finally finishing its retrograde motion by the 11th near Capricorn 29 degree and will then resume the normal path to exit Capricorn and enter Aquarius for good by early November. Once that is done, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for about 20 years.

Many astrologers on YouTube have long videos discussing the impact. Here is one talking about what to expect in 2025. Many people, especially those who have done a lot of bad things since 2008 when Pluto enters Capricorn, may face karmatic consequences. Last time the world saw this shift is back in 17th century when many countries worldwide burnt to the ground due to civil wars and revolutions.

Even normal technical analysts are picking up signals that the current up trend in the stock market is unsustainable.

Bears have to keep in mind that those who control the world learn from past market corrections and always finding new ways to mess it up even further. Current market bubble is the direct results of Fed and its peers’ interventions. That’s why all these correlations long term funds are using no longer work.

I received quite a number of requests on my view of the recent mega rally in China. I don’t think I am the right person to discuss about this because I do not follow the Chinese stock markets. What I gathered from the news and the price actions is that it is clearly the same kind of government manipulations used by the Fed to squeeze the shorts. China just took one step further to make sure the short must take a huge loss. Given the new policy on all existing mortgages, we can countdown to nationalization of their banks in no time. All in the name of greater good for the people, but is it?

Not fear mongering, but the reality of WW3 is very real now. It you are religious and forget to pray for a long time, you should start doing it. For those who are not religious, you may as well look at your bucket list.

Back to work.

Have a great weekend all!

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