TLC Weekly Update January 18, 2025

Option expiration Friday managed to contain the stock market indices after the early ramp up before market open. Still, it is a message sent by the bulls to the world that they are not done buying yet. It is not a surprise to those of us who monitor the stock market closely, various market measurements are “deeply oversold” hence it will be hard to press the stock market down.

Next week we start with a holiday Monday for the financial markets while Trump’s inauguration will take place. It is a historical moment because so many prophecies, be that real or fake, saying that he will be the last POTUS …

I found this video very interesting for which such an important technology developed in China is given to the world for free. We see nothing on the mainstream media about this at all. That tells you this matters much.

In the precious metal arena, we have this CEO of a Canadian listed company in the silver industry, promoting silver on David Lin’s show. His takes on the price of silver is his personal opinion and I do not necessarily agree with what he says. I do monitor many commodity markets hence the need to also pay attention to media talking about them.

For those of you often stressed out, here is a great summary of tools that you can employ to manage your stress and anxiety. Huberman did a good job to create this short 30-minute video to help people suffering from this common issue. Check it out.

Another regular weekend for me to keep working.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update January 11, 2025

What an interesting week in the stock market. The 5th trading day of the year is especially funny as we can see institutional buying right underneath the 2024 year close level and then immediately launching buy programs right after to make sure the so-called January Effect has a positive close above 2024 year close on all the major indices.

Is anything real anymore in the stock market game?

A bone chilling video on psychopaths that everyone should watch. For normal people, the information is extremely useful in avoiding being a prey to these monsters.

A very interesting video from Stefan that talks about a study on sleep quality based on the direction of the head. Does that validate feng shui somehow?

So many gurus talking about a large correction in the stock markets is coming. Here is one discussion explaining the risk. Chris’ track record has been very good over the past two years. If you have significant part of your portfolio in the stock market, check this out.

In contrast, we have to watch, or use AI bots to generate a transcript for quick reading, the ultimate “lamp” a.k.a Cathie Wood’s latest video. I think I mentioned long time ago that all her so called insights was like a 10-year lucky period that was over long time ago. Hence, whatever she thinks she know, she does not. And, she is a chronic bullshitter based on her Chinese astrology birth chart …

Personally I think the real risk of our situation lies in more alien disclosures (or invasion) and global central banks failing to contain the black swan event of no one buying ANY government bonds. In my opinion, the latter has already started.

So much work this weekend including deployment of more algos.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update January 4, 2025

First week of the year ended with a blast going higher. Isn’t that the expected outcome? Every big firm knows that by pushing the indices higher they can make a talking point about the “January Effect” all over media to lure more retail investors to pile on this all-time-high market.

This video on US real estate is concerning because the trends explained by RedFin CEO show a complicated environment for anyone who are planning to sell or buy properties this year.

Every year we see all these end of the world predictions on youtube yet we are still doing alright. Is it time to worry about that this year? Here is one such video to scare you.

If that does not get you concerned, here is a good overview of the global economic landscape right now and some helpful suggestions on what to do with your portfolios.

I still remember telling everyone to buy gold years ago again and again but rarely people can get out of their comfort zone to do it. I am not sure if anyone would be comfortable to do that now since gold has gone up a lot already.

Back to work as usual.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update December 28, 2024

Last Friday of the year made a magical comeback after significant weaknesses developed in overnight session. Although not enough to make another all-time high weekly close, it is enough to calm people down to enjoy this weekend.

I love this update on Michael Levin’s work on his quest to understand life beyond what we are taught in school. Personally, I think he is very close to finding proof that consciousness is one of the fundamental dimension of the universe. However, there will be so much resistance pushing back against that from the so-called scientists who are all brainwashed.

Robert Greene talking about life these days lacking actions outside of staring at the screens is spot on. One can’t just stand still and not exploding what is out there. Our minds need stimulations. Meeting new people. Having interesting conversations. Maybe it is a good time to do that since it is the holiday season after all.

Majority of the people on Earth has no idea why the world would agree to stop testing nuclear weapons. I find this new video better than all the other ones I watched before in explaining the impact of nuclear explosions. Take your time to watch this and pray to our creator that no one will be using nukes of any kind in the future.

I am taking things slow this week because many things can’t be done when other people are enjoying their holiday break. Instead of grinding in our projects, I spend more time reflecting on what worked out well this year and what we can do better starting next year. It is time well spent.

Have a great weekend all!

And, of course, Happy New Year!

TLC Weekly Update December 21, 2024

What a week – first we got that largest flush in absolute term over the entire history of the US stock market, and then followed up by a equally impressive comeback on option and index future expiration Friday. So are we bullish or bearish now?

I believe nothing much can happen during the holiday weeks ahead. Majority of the professional traders having a good year will not even think of trading during this time. Lack of size players, stock market usually favors drifting slightly higher until triggering events suddenly happen.

David Lin having a discussion with Chris Vermeulen about what to expect short term. Christ has been consistent with his views and his calls are pretty good over the past 2 years. So this is a good time to hear from him to prepare for 2025.

At the year end, all kinds of predictions about next year showing up on YouTube. From western astrologer to economists making all kinds of amazing forecast, year 2025 for sure will be an exciting one for the trading communities. Everyone who is not an idiot knows that the current geopolitical, financial and natural environments are all compressing to a point of no return. Should anything erupt from these singularities, financial markets will react wildly which implies those who are prepared will be able to take advantage of the opportunities.

So who are the idiots, watch this video from Robert Greene.

One interesting video discussing the latest hot topic of aliens and all kinds of conspiracies surrounding the subject just popped up. If you have time, take your time to watch the whole thing.

These two weeks I have many meetings before year end. In between, we have these holidays for gathering with friend and family.

I will be taking things slow going into new year.

Have a great weekend and Merry Christmas!

TLC Weekly Update December 14, 2024

On Friday, NDX pushed higher again to another all-time-high while the rest of the indices are stuck in their holiday mode. Next week is quarterly expiration for futures, options, etc. Maybe a little pick up of volatility because of that but no one believes the stock market can go much lower.

I learned something new from this video about the Pluto declination cycle. In my much earlier work on planetary cycles and their relationship with long term commodity trends, I built a model that did not work well until I incorporated the declinations of all the planets into the calculation. This is such a great reminder that we can all miss something even when we are all looking at the same thing.

Brent Johnson has another thoughtful video posted regarding the upcoming Trump tariffs and also Tesla. Remember Trump is not POTUS yet. What happens now, for which he declares all kinds of initiatives, may not be what we get by the time he really makes it into White House.

Don’t forget that the world is so obsessed with man-made climate change b.s. that these idiots from Germany got scammed so easily. The blame is squarely put on the Chinese companies but I think the Germans had chosen to ignore the signs because it is the easy way out.

Index future expiration by Friday, so this is rollover weekend keeping all of us here busy.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update December 7, 2024

Finally, NDX playing catch up with SPX and now going into the holiday season, every large financial institutions are upgrading their 2025 targets for SPX. Seriously?

So all external factors are not important anymore because Blackrock declared the boom and bust cycle is no longer valid?

Well, Warren Buffett may have a different opinion.

The latest hot topic must be BTC breaking above 100K. Even Jim Cramer said BTC will go higher for sure. Since we all know how good Jim is, BTC lovers may be in trouble.

I find an interesting video talking about the subtle changes to Schumann Resonance. If this odd condition continues, our bodies will be affected significantly. Sleep will be very difficult going forward for those who are more sensitive to Schumann resonance changes.

For those of you interested in the understanding of the universe, this long discussion should interest you.

Lately, I am switching back to paper based notes taking. After 2 years of this experiment, I am giving up the electronic approach. One of the reasons is that I almost freak out when I could not turn on the notes taking device …

Lots of work to get done these 2 weeks before the year end holidays.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update November 30, 2024

Can’t believe this is the end of November already. One month to go before this year is over. Will the US stock market keep grinding higher from here?

Given November being the best month so far for the year, historically, December are likely negative.

Chris Vermeulen is not bullish anymore and his take on the current market conditions is a good overview on what to expect next.

Of course, there is always opposite view like Tom Lee who believes US stock market and Bitcoin can go higher.

This Thanksgiving week, I was on the phone with quite a few friends having long conversations. Among these talks, I think one stands out and worth sharing here. Contrary to what majority of people believe, the successful traders I know of do not really making good money every year. Some actually made so much money in a few good years and then they will play it safe after. Be aggressive at the right time with the right market conditions is not well understood enough.

Lately, there is a huge rise in talks about UFO appearances. Why now? Here is an explanation offered by an astrologer.

Back to work now. So much has to be done before end of 2024.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!

TLC Weekly Update November 23, 2024

Another magical week that SPX recovered from the “mini-dip” and pushed higher to near all-time-high again. How far will it go?

From what I gathered, Fed and its peers have been very busy “saving the world” by printing infinitely more money almost every other week to keep the global financial system from breaking down. It is quite a spectacular thing to watch in real-time. Since they will continue to do the same until it does not work, so as long as no world shattering event happening, this pattern of slow grind up with mini-crash will continue.

So what event can disrupt the central banks’ effort?

First, Russia can cancel Christmas for the western countries.

Second, our Sun can fry Earth into dark ages anytime now.

Third, the only thing that keeps the US economy going is government spending. Trump plans to cut it …

Or, the latest round of disclosures of UFOs can be the start of even more explosive events like all out alien invasion.

Should we worry about our future? I think we should.

Until something happens, however, life goes on here on Earth and we just have to keep grinding.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update November 16, 2024

After another new all-time-high a week ago, finally we started to see a little cool off for the US stock market. Would that translate into a deeper correction? We will find out soon enough.

We are literally within days of leaving behind the Pluto in Capricorn era. Are you ready for that? There are so many videos on YouTube talking about it like this one. I find that one of the key themes of this change of era is missing. Namely, the big and powerful (e.g. large corporations, governments, very powerful figures, etc.) that abuse their authority positions will be punished in ways we can’t even imagine.

Since Trump won the election, there are many talks of him to bring more prosperity to the country. Some others believe otherwise. Here is Hugh Hendry’s very cryptic message of what he sees coming.

Latest hot topic on the net is definitely the alien narrative. I am sure we are going to see a lot more video like this one in the near future.

Time to get back to work.

Have a great weekend all!