TLC Weekly Update January 10, 2020


The first real work week of year 2020 turns out to be as hectic as my schedule back in Hong Kong – long meetings with my business partners on new year goals and needs, pitching several investment opportunities to my friends with venture capital firms and family offices, and follow ups with programmers on various programming projects that must be completed this month.

It feels good to see things are getting done though. Last year was a challenging year as I tried to put in place all these foundations on automated trading for retail investors and training courses for retail traders, it takes grit for my team to see it through. I am very happy with what we have accomplished so far and I am sure year 2020 will be an amazing year.

Talking about grit, if you have not watch this video from Ted about it, you should. It is a short video from Angela Duckworth. In her own words, “Grit is the one measure that separate those who can achieve their long term goals from those who can’t.” For those of you who want to take on an ambitious goal this year, maybe you need the reminder to keep you on track.

Lately, I have been asked many times by others on whether the US stock market will see a correction. My answer is simple,”If you do not mind holding onto your long term positions with a 10 to 15 percent correction tomorrow, there is nothing to do. But if you mind or want to time the market, be ready for a market that takes full time attention from you to pull this off.”

I expect my work schedule to be very different from last year so I will have time to write on other things in this blog, not just the weekly updates. I have quite a number of requests asking me to write about other subjects from astrology to alternative medicines. I will make that happen.

People ask me why I keep writing these weekly updates. Well, it is my way to track my life so that, in retrospect, everyone can see if the 10 year and 12 year cycle are happening to me too. It is also my open journal to keep my loved ones knowing what I am up to since I may not be able to see them often given my schedule.

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