TLC Weekly Update January 17, 2020


Temperature is back down to –15C here in Toronto. Nature is reminding us that winter is not over yet …

Read about this drink from Ancient Rome, anyone tried that?

Falling into Grace by Adyashanti is a book that I read several years ago thanks to a good friend trying to help me out. It is a modern take on the mental issues we all face as human. Interesting, my brother just recommended the book to me lately. My brother consumed the book in audio form. Well, thanks for his reminder and I will have my son read it soon.

I was talking to my friend last week about philanthropic work that we plan to do in coming years. During the conversation I mentioned that medical research funding has often been misplaced due to the classic bias of committing more funding to those who had some kind of contribution or breakthrough in the past. My friend pointed out Albert Einstein is a prime example of this issue. Well, here is an article about Eintsein and I will let you decide if Einstein is really the genius everyone thinks.

Good news for all of you waiting for the NinjaTrader version of the day trading strategies offered in Trading Success Blueprint and Emini S&P Day Trading Course. My programmer told me the core part of the code is done. I will get a chance to see it working in real-time next week. If all goes well, we will have the complete set of strategies ready for download by February. Thank you to all of you who waited patiently for this!

One Reply to “TLC Weekly Update January 17, 2020”

  1. Collaboration is not relevant to the determination of genius.
    That Einstein collaborated with his first wife on his scientific contributions does not diminish his genius, nor does his diminish hers.

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