TLC Weekly Update February 18, 2023


The option expiration Friday yesterday was a perfect example how the MSMs always bullshit their way to put a story on what happened after the fact. There is really no need to do so. But then if all they do are telling the truth, there is no need of them at all, right?

Charlie Munger spoke at the Annual Shareholders Meeting of the Daily Journal Corporation. It is a long video of 2.5 hours. He answered many questions and if you are an investor, you will want to know what he thinks. At 99 years old, his mind is sharp and his ability to answer questions with maximum clarity is just amazing. You may not agree with everything he says though …

Thinking of Charlie Munger’s old age, here is a video on broad overview of anti-aging methods. If you want to see the hardcore testings he has done on himself, you can watch this.

Many people do not know about this simple fact that US Department of Defense has a very serious audit issue. I’ve seen many people condemning CCP of China for pillaging the country. Well, no matter how much they actually took, it is a peanut compare to what happens in the United States. Maybe that’s why US politicians are so mad at CCP – they are looking at a mirror of themselves.

Back to work as usual. And I have a long weekend to catch up too.

Have a great long weekend all!

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