TLC Weekly Update May 21, 2021


Option expiration Friday today. To the surprise of the new crop of retail traders, the stock market did not go straight up off the open. What they have mistaken as a sign of the stock market bottoming out this week is in reality the normal option expiration dynamics at work. Option market makers can’t just sit there watching their books get toasted by close today, can they?

Hence they do their best to defend the markets from dropping lower on Wednesday to protect the puts they wrote and now on Friday they do their best to put a cap on the rally to protect the calls they wrote. It is really business as usual but the media always put a spin on this.

I was working on upgrading our network infrastructure and somehow when I search for network routing this completely unrelated article came up. It talks about how easy it is to do something extremely malicious to others that police will have a hard time catching the perpetrator. Cyber crime is real and can happen to all of us.

Watched a long discussion between Jordan Peterson and Stephen Fry. Very interesting talk as one of them is a religious person and the other is a declared atheist. It is a great conversation demonstrating how people can conduct meaningful conversation even though the standpoints are not the same.

For those of you interested in financial market outlook, Jeff Gundlach uploaded a video of him presenting his view at a Tony Robbins event. It is a nice summary of his view and what he believes will happen soon. His recommendations for the young guy is priceless.

This weekend will be another brutal week for me to take care of the details before the launch of my proprietary trading venture. It is just over a month away. So much more to get done and I wish I have 40 hours a day.

Have a great weekend all!

For my fellow Canadians, Happy Victoria Day!

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