TLC Weekly Update October 15, 2021


We’ve got an early option expiration week due to the first of the month landed on Friday. No one seems to care about China’s potential financial crisis nor the skyrocketing gas prices as the stock markets have recovered much as of today. The earnings of the major companies, however, are lined up next week. So expect volatility to return then.

Watched this disturbing news regarding Biden’s mental health. What’s most disturbing is not that Biden looks completely disoriented and can’t even speak coherently.  The most disturbing issue is that none of the mainstream media and major media platforms have any reporting about this in US and Canada. I thought China was the evil communist country that sensor this kind of news …

Imagine a world with tires that do not require pumping. I will definitely replace my car with these tires when they become available.

A lot of people do not know that they are lactose intolerant. The reaction to drinking milk is not always that serious for many people if the amount they drink is small. Many people have low awareness of their bodies’ internal reactions to food. Hence it is difficult to help people understand this issue which has huge impact on their overall health.

In Toronto, the Autumn season is real short. Sometimes it is just a few weeks and the temperature will drop to below zero. The street I walk by has this interesting scene where trees growing on one side of the road are still green and on the other side, all turned yellow.

Hopefully this winter we don’t need to deal with too much snow.

Have a nice weekend all!

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