How My Lifelong Seafood Allergy Was Cured


I was allergic to certain kinds of seafood. Just some of them like lobsters and shrimps, not all of them. It has been a lifelong issue since I was a baby. Interestingly, I suppose it is now cured. It is a fascinating story to share.

Being allergic to food is not a minor issue. Many people who do not have such problem have all sorts of wrong ideas about it, making the life of those who have it suffer badly. Unluckily, both of my parents are not allergic to food. Just imagine what traditional parents, both Western and Eastern worlds, do when they think that you are just picky with your food but in fact just one bite would send you to hell.

The story of how bad my allergic reactions were can go on and on for many pages which I am going to skip them all for now. The main point is that my allergy is at the serious level for which rashes would flare up almost instantaneously and other symptoms like fever would follow as well. It used to take weeks of heavy dose of anti-allergy drug to suppress the symptoms until they go away.

The turning point is what I like to focus on here.

My friend found a doctor who cured his son’s allergy. And I saw it with my own eyes that indeed his seafood allergy is gone because he was enjoying a feast of seafood with no problem at all. So I determined to get an appointment to meet with this doctor to see if I can fix my allergic issue for good.

I eventually met with this doctor and went through the examination process. He prescribed a set of supplements for me to take over a month period. I faithfully followed the prescription for the month with a few days for which I could not do so when there was schedule issues.

That was more than a month ago.

Yet, I did not have the courage to try some seafood to see if the allergy is gone. It is not that I am afraid of the reactions themselves. What I worried about is that it would keep me in bed for days which would delay the progress of my projects.

Last week, when several projects were finally completely. I have decided to finally take the ultimate test of my treatment. I ate shrimp. There was no rashes, no itchiness and no other issues whatsoever. Since then on other occasions I tried to eat other types of seafood with no ill effects at all.

I am cured. A lifelong medical condition that is supposedly not treatable is now gone for good. Amazing!

My Journey to Fully Automate My Trading: Your See a Hammer, I See a Doji


I conduct my research on trading strategies on multiple platforms from Excel to almost everything that I can get my hands onto. From concepts to actual strategies, it can be as simple as just several lines of code to thousand lines of code. To say the least, It is a long and tedious process that takes patience. Similar to any other scientific research, even if your method of analysis is rigorous, your analysis is as good as your data only. If the data you get has consistency issues, your analysis will be questionable. And here I am, dealing with exactly that – data inconsistency across various data sources made available to retail traders.

Forex Traders Live With Data Inconsistencies All the Time

This data inconsistency issue is very common with forex trading. In general, the quotes you are getting are just consolidated quotes from several major banks that a brokerage has clearance through. Hence if you switch to a different brokerage that use some other banks for their forex clearance, your quotes would be drastically different. You may wonder why that matters since the price would be moving in the same direction within seconds. After all, due to arbitration opportunities from this type of discrepancies, they will be taken advantage of and quotes across different sources will go back in sync quickly. However, this minor difference can alter the decision making process on hundreds if not thousands of autotrading robots when a binary condition is flipped from one way to another.

For example, an hourly closing price can be very close to the previous day closing price. Many simple trading algorithms and human traders will take the cue very seriously whether such closing price is above or below that reference price level. Drastically different actions would be taken based on that simple logic alone. Hence, many professional traders never change to a different data source for trading because they know very well that such difference can lead to disastrous effect on their trading.

Centralized Trading at Exchanges is Supposed to Avoid this Problem

For index futures like the Emini S&P and stocks, they are traded in various exchanges with centralized bid and ask queues. The quotes are unified with trades recorded in sequence. Ignoring the dark pools which are not part of the normal markets, the centralized trading of these markets is supposed to avoid this inconsistency in data issue completely. In fact, we do get very clean historical data for all these markets going all the way back for at least 20 years.

So the data inconsistency problem should not exist with these markets, shouldn’t it?

Well, that’s not what I find out from my back testing of the same trading strategies across various platforms on Emini S&P.

And after careful analysis of the different versions of the algorithms based on the same logic, I discover the root cause of inconsistency in historical trading performance has nothing to do with my code. Luckily, I have experience is dealing with such issue with my forex trading so it does not affect me much. I am just surprised that the problem of such inconsistency still exists today.

Welcome to the World of Sub-Second Timestamp

On tick data resolution, meaning that every single trade is being compared, there is really ignorable differences among the various sources of historical data. This means the centralized trading at the exchanges in fact unified the data. The problem, interestingly, comes from various implementations of data collection methods into time based records.

The issue really boils down to a simple question – what do you consider as part of a one minute interval?

What I am talking about is how a programmer choose to collect data into 1 minute records can make a big difference in the charts you see everyday.

Conceptually, a minute starts the moment right when the zero second mark hit and the it ends right before the moment the next zero second mark is hit. This is pure science. There is really nothing to dispute about this definition. However, the programmers who are tasked to write the code to record the historical data, may have interpreted the concept of a minute with their personal interpretation.

From what I see, there are programmers who keep all the trades that happen with the zero second time stamp (e.g. 1:00:00) into the current 1 minute record. i.e. 0:59:00 to 1:00:00

However, that is technically wrong because all these trades actually belongs to the next minute. i.e. 1:00:00 to 1:01:00

These programmers do not realize there is no such thing that happens precisely at zero second mark. Anything that is recorded with that time, must have happened after. If they pay attention to the fact that these trades are happening between :00 and :01 with sub-second timestamp. e.g. 0:59:00:30

I can tell you that the most expensive institutional feeds have this done correctly. So are the more expensive retail data feeds that you have to pay money for. But not true for many others platforms out there.

Nightmare of Data Inconsistencies

What does this inconsistency implies?

Well, if you use price patterns on intraday data (and on daily data occasionally too) with your trading strategies, you may get totally different results when you switch from one brokerage to another.

Your moving averages are not really that precise depending on which data source you are looking at.

For some platform, your trading strategies do not execute until 1 second later while the institutional traders have a head start of 1 second before you do.

All sorts of technical indicators including oscillators will suffer from this data inconsistency.

It is not just the close of a minute record that is being affected. If the high or low of the minute happens to be the last second and that your feed includes the extra one second of data, the high and low could be affected too.

A Lesson to Remember for All Traders Not Just the Mechanical Traders

I am not saying that the data inconsistency would render intraday price data analysis completely useless. What I am saying is that you have to be aware of this widespread issue to build robust trading algorithms. And it does not just stop there because this matters much for discretionary traders too.

Many people who have never used multiple brokerages and different data sources have a simplistic worldview of the financial data they are working with. They have no idea that when they see a bottom in the making on their trusted 5-minute bars showing a candlestick hammer is in fact just a doji for thousands of traders out there.

Or that they are getting their favourite moving averages making a turn or crossover is just a kiss between those lines for many other traders out there.

Stop seeing the charts in black and white like that is the first step towards a much more robust approach to chart reading and technical trading.

My Journey to Fully Automate My Trading: Peaceful Launch of My Automated Trading on TradeStation


This past Monday, Feb 25th, I finally managed to get small part of my automated trading strategies ready for live trading on TradeStation. It was one hell of a long journey to convert my algorithms from my custom trading platforms onto a retail broker platform. I learned a lot from the process and gained incredible insights into some many areas in trading that I thought I already know.

As the Chinese proverbs say,

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step –  Tao Te Ching, Laozi

千里之行,始於足下 – 道德經, 老子

The moment I decided to move onto this path, I know it is going to be a huge commitment on my part to get to the finish line. So many obstacles and road blocks making this project such a huge challenge. I just looked up my blog posts and found that the earliest post about my intention was back in March 2017. That was two years ago.

I was so overwhelmed by the difficulties that I kind of giving up to write about the progress. There are just so many issues to tackle in various areas of trading making it hard to decide on what to write about. I did not write about it but I do keep notes on everything. That’s my habit all these years. I even recommended the practice to all traders in my writings all the time.

This is not the end of the journey though since my goal is to convert multiple sets of algorithms into live trading strategies that work on various retail platforms so more work has to be done.

I am very glad that I have chosen to walk down this path. At this point of the journey, majority of the technical issues are now taken care of. I am at a happy place to say that the rest of the journey will focus on more strategic development of my automated trading. I will have time freed up to catch up with writing about this amazing experience.

I am setting up a page in my blog for this series finally,

Enjoy the show!

Back to Canada


I came back to Canada last weekend. Lucky that I do not have jet lag since I had to jump on top of several issues that night I landed. Been ultra busy since to catch up with so many things. At 2 am Saturday, this is the first moment I have some quietness to sit down and reflect on my experience from the trip.

What I Did in Asia

For majority of people travelling to Asia from North America during the year end holiday season, they are taking a vacation break. For me, it was essentially 12 hours work day pretty much everyday since the first day my flight landed in Hong Kong. Those exceptions are taking a detour to Singapore and other destinations, attended a wedding and had a special medical check-up.

Outside of trading, I invest in start-ups and do deals that interest me. Many people want to meet with me to see if there is any business opportunities. Others are looking for macro level financial advice from someone who is well connected and really know what is going on around the world. And occasionally, there are others with special reasons that have very interesting stories worth telling when I get the chance.

Going to Singapore to meet with several members was the highlight of the trip. Very happy to see some new faces and those I met with the year before. It is nice to get to know you all better in person!

The Dilemma of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is in a very difficult position now than ever.

The unaffordability of living spaces for the middle to lower income families continue to get worse. Imagine how difficult it is to live in the city when the lower bound of around $18,000 HKD per month for a tiny 200 to 300 sq. ft. apartment in an average location. The same amount of money in Canadian Dollar is about $3,000 which can get you a decent space in a good location for a 1,800 sq. ft. condominium or an even bigger town house. Such compression of available living space has squeezed the life out of the people in Hong Kong. The so called middle class is now long gone.

Yet Hong Kong is still ranking as one of the top cities in the world for business opportunities. However these opportunities may not be accessible easily to those who are struggling at the bottom. Hong Kong is still a good playground for people who has the right connections and the necessary capital.

Everyone there seems to be more sensitive to opportunities in making money than anywhere else I have visited on Earth.


I did a pro bono presentation titled “Investment Outlook 2019 according to STOPD” in Hong Kong at the Rotary Club of Kowloon Tong meeting on Jan 7th. It lasts about 2 hours and I did a powerpoint presentation for the event. The participants tried to capture the session in video. However, the voice recording was not as good as we hope for. Lessons learned from the experience and next time I will use a mic for direct recording separately.

The presentation was done in Cantonese so not everyone can understand it. If you want to watch the video (it is just me talking without the powerpoint slides), follow this link.

I am having the powerpoint presentation redesigned for YouTube. Once it is ready it will be uploaded. I will write a short article to explain some of the slides that may not be self explanatory.

If this approach works out well, I will try to do more videos in the future.

Planning Ahead

I have a line up of projects to be completed this first quarter. Talking about being busy in Asia, that was mainly meetings and brainstorming sessions. Here, back home, it is actual work to be done.

The 2nd edition of Trading Success Blueprint was ready …. until it is not. The trouble with the file format issue (Thanks Microsoft!) set me back couple of weeks until the pictures in the manual are restored back to the correct places within the manual. It will be done eventually.

Trading account applications that I thought was taken care of before I leave for Asia turned out to be half done. There is no mistake on my part, just that the brokerage side somehow were in party mode by the end of the year and failed to handle the matters properly. More waiting on this front.

The last pair of VIX based real-time trading signals / day trading strategies will be released for Emini S&P. This is under testing in real-time. So far so good, everything looks on track.

The manual that I expected to publish on these VIX based trading strategies is now going to be split into two manuals as suggested by one of the early readers. I am convinced because he actually did the split up for me and showed me that I was mixing up two different things into one. Namely, there is about 100 to 150 pages of manuscript written on day trading strategy design and principles that has nothing to do with the VIX trading methodology. He suggested that I turn that part into an independent volume with day trading strategies illustrating how it is done with just price data alone.

I think it is a great idea. So back to the drawing board and more work to be done. The good thing is, this additional manual will definitely resolve many issues for traders and giving them a head start in the day trading game. I will make sure it becomes an important trading manual for all Emini traders.

Good to be Home

I was asked how can I take on so many projects at the same time. Well, first, I am not doing all these things by myself. There are many others helping me out making all these things possible.

During the trip, my exercise regime is disrupted and my diet is not optimal to say the least. And I was loaded up with coffee throughout the day making me hyper (as evident in the presentation video). I just slowly re-introduce myself back into my rigorous routines since I have several goals related to health and physical fitness that I like to achieve. Will write about this front when I get the time.

I thought I would have time during the trip to post something. I ended up taking notes that filled one whole notebook with no time to spare. Interesting experience to pick up the pace and doing as much as I can with limited amount of time.

Feels great to be home.

For those of you who celebrate the season, Happy Chinese New Year!

On the Road Soon. Meet Up and Gathering Anyone?

close up of burning fireplace at home

I expect to hit the road next week. I will be going to Hong Kong and Singapore to meet with my business partners and give out talks about the markets and trading. My schedule is not as crazy as the last few trips. So, here I am letting you all know that if you are interested, we can meet up in Hong Kong or Singapore.

It does not need to be all intense discussions about trading and market directions. We can just chill and get to know everyone.

It will be fun!

Busy Busy Busy … Waiting for 2019 in Excitement!


I have not posted for a long while here in my own blog. Feel kind of guilty for being so quiet. Here’s an update of what is going on in every front.

The Site Update has finally got its long deserved update. It is now mobile friendly and ready for the next level of client support. I am very happy with the result so far. I have in store big plans for the site in year 2019. I will announce the new services and products when they become available.

Trading Success Blueprint 2nd Edition

My trading course Trading Success Blueprint has been very well received since its launch. Many long time premium members sent me feedback that something important is missing from the manual. I hear you all and I have just completed three new sections to the manual for its second edition release. Once they are edited properly, it will be made available to everyone who bought the first edition.

In fact I am turning TSB into a live project! I am offering lifetime update for free to anyone who purchased the course. I am also making available a special support area online so that users can download strategy code and other things much more easily. And third edition of TSB is already planned. It will fulfill another request – a forex day trading strategy example.

My Fund

My work on my fully automated fund is 99% ready. I have decided to launch it sometime in January. It is very difficult to port trading strategies created in NeoTicker into various trading platforms. So much of my time was wasted in recreating the multiple timeframe framework in these other platforms. Right now I have everything necessary to move forward with this project.

My Trading Service

A version of the trading model will be made available through brokerages. I will have more details once I have completed the process. For those who expressed interest in the past and present asking me to manage their money, I am very flattered. I think this will be the best way going forward allowing everyone to participate. Due to liquidity issue, the model will be released with strict control on the number of contracts I will allow through the brokerages.

Yet to be Named Course on Advanced Trading Strategy Design using VIX

For those of you who want to learn more on how to create these trading strategies I am using myself, I am still working on the course right now. It is already longer than the 2nd edition of TSB excluding those appendix stuff. It is like an extension of TSB with focus on how to design trading strategies suitable for day trading purpose. I also provided an in-depth look into VIX and its leading properties for swing trading and day trading. It will be the next most important course for anyone interested in building their trading career.

Workaholic? Maybe …

Over the past 2 years, due to various reasons from computer issues to platform glitches, many of the projects I am working on were grind to a halt. Well, by pushing things forward slowly with patience, the efforts finally pay off. It is very exciting to see so many things getting through the finish line at the same time.

When Everybody is Wrong


My Big Picture Summary for Market Bias Observer newsletter, Aug 2018 issue. With charts!

The large hedge funds have been underperforming the markets for several years already. They look so bad that many gurus out there came out slamming the industry as a whole. Well, even David Eihorn’s Greenlight has reported his fund is down about 19% for the year. Is the era of big hedge funds really over?

Don’t forget that these funds have all the resources to hire the best to work for them. They have access to information that retail investors and even institutional investors do not have. Yet, the results clearly pointing to something going wrong. So what goes so wrong?

My understanding is that these famous hedge fund managers are actually very good in what they are doing. The main problem is that they all depends on the framework of top-down analysis based on their specific macro view to allocate their resources. If their macro views do not lead to the correct forecast of the market environment, everything they do, will be at best crapshoot. That’s the very essence of trading and speculations. You do not win on every single trade.


Since the year 2013 when the S&P 500 is set up to breakout above that long time boundary at 1600 and that Nasdaq 100 making new all time high, we have entered a new era where the prior 20 years of trading environment is transformed into something new. That shift of expectations created a unique situation for which the shorter timeframes have now dominated the price movements of almost every financial market.


We have seen such environment before, and the pros who are not close enough to the price actions suffer. For example back in year 1999, majority of the pros working for big firms were laughed at because they cannot make money in the so-called easiest trading environment because the stock market went up pretty much every day. Pros are beaten up so bad back then many even give up their career in the industry.

But we all know what happened afterwards. When the new era eventually run its course, like in year 2000, the normal environment would return. The shift will cause chaos and the pros will be the ones who survive.

I dare to say this, when even the best hedge fund managers are not doing well in shorter timeframes, it is a sign that the bull market is going to end pretty soon.

So Many Things Finally Done, So Many More Things to Get Done


Last few months has been the most productive ones over the past two years. So many projects that have been stuck were finally completed. What a relief!

For one, my book The Art of Chart Reading is now finally published at Amazon. Thanks to everyone who support the book this week, I am proud to announce that, as of this Friday, it is the Top #1 book at Amazon in Investing and Investing Basic categories and also being one of Top 20 Nonfiction books. It is a great start for the book.

The paperback version of the book is still being worked on. If all goes well, the paperback edition will be available by end of this month.

And the site The Art of Chart Reading Online is also in development. It will take a lot more to make it good for the purpose I envisioned.

On side, the move to the new direction has finally started. It was planned at least a year ago but almost everything that could go wrong, did. Although the process has started, it is not even half way through.

It is great that the Trading Success Blueprint is finally completed. It is the grand summary of my knowledge and experience in mentoring traders over the past 20 years. From now on, I have a reference that I can point aspiring traders to if they want to build a trading career the right way.

Yet, the trading signals and trading tools that I have planned to release have been delayed for so long. I could not just roll them out without proper testing. Due to the frequencies of these trading strategies, they do not happen everyday. I need to make sure they are working correctly. It is not only necessary. It is a responsibility as well since people will put money on the line based on these tools. Thus, I have to be patient and get them ready one by one.

On money management side, the process of fully automating the trading has started too. However, it was the most eventful two months we have seen in a long time. Be that North Korea related matters, or all these explosive news about Trump, they swing the markets hard. All these happening while I am manually testing these strategies. It is a huge challenge for someone like me because I created these trading models.

The golden rule of mechanical trading is to follow the rules exactly. But being the creator of the models made me want to override them. After the fact, my interventions worked 9 out of 10 times. But the 10th time is a disaster. In short, if I had followed the rules completely, the performance will be about the same as what I have now. Being 20% better with all the crazy maneuvers is not worth it.

Again, a lot more to do to complete the transition.

oh well, challenges make life interesting.

Story of My Book The Art of Chart Reading

Finally, after three long years of wait, my book The Art of Chart Reading will be available at Amazon in couple of days. I am very excited about the release of the book. But at the same time it feels like putting an end to a very difficult period in my past. Very difficult to explain how I feel at this moment.


I have created a website for the book called The Art of Chart Reading Online. The purpose of the site is to showcase charts that I study and how they work out afterwards. Since I do my homework studying the charts all the time anyway. This should not put too much workload on my tight schedule.

This book would not be possible without Priscilla’s suggestion some 15 years ago. She knows very well how I feel about the financial industry and how much I hate seeing decent people being rip off in the stock market. She popped the idea that if I can do something about it what would it be. I told her it has to be a complete instruction manual on how to read the charts because it is the only tool that the retail traders have access to that is objective without spins or lies.

Priscilla became the first reader and my collaborator on the foundation sections. Only until I was able to make her understand exactly how the charts work, that those explanations are kept in the book. That’s how I know other people will understand the framework too.

Surprisingly Smooth Transition into Windows 10


I spent the past two weeks setting up a new laptop due to the unfortunate event that my original laptop being crushed in the plane while I was traveling back to Canada. Since I do not need my laptop during this period of time, I can use my desktop computer while setting up the new laptop slowly. The experience with the transition from a Windows 8 laptop into Windows 10 is, surprisingly, good.

The Incident

I use a backpack when I travel and my laptop is stored in the part for which thick protection foam is there all around it. I thought it is safe from physical harm. I could not be more wrong this time though. First my backpack was moved away from the overhead compartment where I put it due to someone else having a huge luggage forced the flight attendants to move luggage around to accommodate that. My backpack was moved somewhere else before i can even try to grab it back.

By the time the flight was over, I tried to locate my backpack. It was squeezed down under two hard surface carry on trolleys. I thought it should be alright because nothing bad really happened to my laptop ever through all these flights over the years. I could not be more wrong.

When I arrived home, I found a corner of my laptop was totally crushed. Amazingly, the laptop is still functional and boot up fine. The catch is that two of the ports I needed most are no longer usable.

A hard lesson learned – never store your laptop in a soft shell container.

Finding a Replacement

I am never comfortable with new versions of Windows. I wrote about that many times over the years. Microsoft is infamous in destroying compatible with everything from hardware to software with new versions of Windows. My experience was so bad I never buy a new computer with new versions of Windows. This time, however, I have no choice.

Microsoft has determined that they cannot continue to support their older versions of Windows. Windows XP and the major disgrace Vista are now discontinued from normal support. Windows 7 is still supported but probably not for long. Hence, it is very diffficult to buy any new laptop with older versions of Windows.

First, I would not want to buy a laptop with Windows 8 ever again. That leaves me with only Windows 10 to choose from. I thought, what the heck, Windows 10 is around for sometime already. Everything should be working fine now. Is it?

The Transition

It is not that easy for a road warrior to switch to a new laptop. This is especially true for professional traders. We have so many applications to install onto a computer, it takes a lot of time to get it done. This time around, it took me like a week to have all the necessary configuration done on Windows and the essential applications installed. The more auxiliary applications can wait.

Core applications like Microsoft Office has to be installed. I am very glad that my Office Enterprise 2010 still works on Windows 10. There was a point in time that Microsoft tried to force everyone to use the stupid Office 365. As a paid customer, I seriously cannot accept their proposition that I have to pay up again, as a subscription, that has no added value to my need. As far as I recall, I have been a paying customer of the Microsoft Office software since I was studying in university. Microsoft has to give me a very good reason to pay for another upgrade.

Many other applications are not working well on Windows 10 due to the Smart Scaling issue. That includes quite a number of trading applications. Smart scaling is the changing of pixel density dynamically so that the display device can show you things that you can really read. Given the laptop I get has 4K resolution, if the application is displaying its content using the pixel based method, it will be so small that I cannot see what is displayed at all.

Luckily, Windows 10, after several updates, has find a way to resolve this issue by offering multiple compatibility display options. I got two trading platforms working but one is still in trouble. I will not name names here. I think it is better I report the issues to the developers and see if they manage to come up with anything like a workaround or a quick new release to address the issue.

My Impression

I like Windows 10 a lot on this new laptop. Well, part of the reason is that the new laptop is very impressive on hardware basis alone. On the other hand, Windows 10 gives me a much more comfortable feel in terms of control and flexibility. Windows 10 is delivering what Windows 8 intended to do but failed to do so – a new paradigm without sacrificing the core power of Windows over platforms like Macs. Windows has always been a workhorse type of platform and it is the favorite platform for businesses and large enterprises. Windows 8 deviated from that (so did Vista) and it has been part of Microsoft’s painful memory since.

The truth is that I have to make a lot of adjustments to my usage routines from the last laptop but I am happy to make the transition this time. Unlike last time when I was forced to switch to Windows 8 and took the plunge to change all its settings to mimic Windows 7, I am happily learning to work within the new Windows 10 workflow. Part of this obviously thanks to all the software companies making the transition easier by having Windows 10 compatibility taken into account. The other part is that Microsoft learned from its users what has to be done to make Windows 10 functional.