TLC Weekly Update July 30, 2021


Can’t believe it is already the end of July. Time flies when you just work until you are so tired and crash in bed day after day.

An interesting video explaining why first class is disappearing. Airline business is indeed a tough one. I wonder how long it will take for the industry to recover from covid.

A friend sent me this video about people dumb enough to go online shopping for hitman. Are people really losing their common sense these days?

After watching this video, I want to get one of these beautiful chess sets too. Maybe I will buy myself that this Christmas …

Some of you asked why I have time to watch all these videos and read all kinds of articles while complaining about not enough time to work on my projects. Well it is quite simple to answer – I accomplish all that during my lunch and dinner. And I only eat two times a day.

This will be a Canadian long weekend. My schedule wouldn’t change though – research and development is a forever grind that takes someone who enjoy the process.

Have a nice weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update July 23, 2021


Another all time high for the stock markets this week. What a stunning performance this week from down 2% to printing triple all time high records today. The big question remains – how long can it last?

My take as a day trader is to deal with it one day at a time. There is no point guessing when the markets will stop going higher or lower. Here is a good point made by Jeff Gundlach.

Hikaru took the challenge to play 5 miuntes to 1 minute odds games. When you look at his games with the other GMs in the world it is hard to realize how good a super GM really is. But then when he plays against normal people …

Read this piece from YouTube and confirmed the story myself. I am speechless of what Ontario is going to do to math and hard sciences in schools. I guess no opportunity is wasted when it comes to spreading this disease to the younger generations.

More work to be done for my projects. Good news is that I managed to complete tons of stuff this week. The bad news is that I hurt my right wrist badly due to extreme long hours of typing. My hand will get a break this weekend from typing. I guess I will focus on reading instead.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update July 16, 2021


This is option expiration Friday again. Earlier today a stock market veteran I know for years commented about the market actions this week and then asked for my opinion. Serious, when people talk like that they are just asking for your agreement. I do my usual thing by telling him that it is just option expiration week. This is how funny the world is because human in general have no higher awareness … in a few weeks time he will repeat the same mistake all over again.

Last week I mentioned a better video platform called Odysee. To follow-up on that, here is a video of the US government trying to squash this platform by wasting US taxpayers’ money to destroy it through lawsuits. Whenever you see a government doing things like this, you know which side is the bad guy.

Here is a video from Dr. Paul Mason on how misguiding your doctors can be when it comes to taking care of their patients’ health. I am 100% sure 98% of the licensed doctors out there do not know enough basic science or latest understanding of human physiology to be really qualified to take care of their patients. Remember it is your job to take care of yourself properly. Being ignorant nowadays can be deadly. With great videos like those created by Dr. Mason, you can learn as much as you are willing to and improve your health starting today.

For those of you active investors, here is a video about a subject I talked often in my newsletter – global population implosion. I try very hard not to touch on this subject publicly for years. Now that someone made a video about it, you can watch it and be prepared for the inevitable.

Another week is over and yet I still haven’t been able to catch up with my projects. The hardware issues happened last few weeks really messed up my plan. There is no other way out of this – just put in more hours to catch up.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update July 9, 2021


Another all-time-high week for the US stock market, with everyone thought that on Thursday morning the rally was over, the market magically rallied all the way back up today. Is this the new norm? I don’t know but we are definitely living in interesting time.

I came across this great video about learning style. I always tell people the best way to learn is to acquire the knowledge of how to learn better, not depending on your personal preference. And this video illustrated the concept nicely.

We often hear about rich kids hiring people to do their homework and even take the exam for them. However, thanks to the internet, the more common form of cheating is really the writing of essays and term papers by hired guns. This article explodes some aspects of the problem that you may not know.

Lately I learned about the video site that many youtubers have migrated their videos over there due to censorship. In the future if there is a version of the same video is available on odysee, I will link to that instead of youtube because you never know when YT would use its ban hammer on a video for whatever reason …

I am also thinking of publishing on odysee instead of youtube for long term viability. I haven’t figure out exactly what to do with it yet. I will keep you all posted about this in coming weeks.

It is third quarter of the year and I am pushing hard to keep my schedule. It is not that easy though when there are so many things I have to attend to. Hopefully this quarter I make good progress with several projects and reduce my stack of to-do tasks by half. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update July 2, 2021


2021 2nd quarter finally ended. We just got our Canada Day on the first and this weekend July 4th for United States. It is a long weekend for people like me who work with the US stock markets. It is also my chance to take a break from my hectic schedule and hopefully get some rest.

Another young chess player just got his grandmaster title this week. His name is Abhimanyu Mishra from United States. He breaks the record of being the youngest grandmaster that held for 19 years. Here is a video of him talking about his experience.

Master Lock has outdone itself again with this combination lock – it is so bad you don’t need to pick the lock to have it opened. LockPickingLawyer has done it again!

I have learned something very fascinating about smell and how that affects animals. Dr. Huberman takes it a step further with interesting studies on how you breath and smell can affect your ability to learn and and remember things. For those of you like to learn more about this, check out his podcast #25.

For some mysterious reason the hardware problems that gave me so much headache is now gone. Everything has been working fine since Mercury retrograde ended. Could that be me and my team who finally fixed the technical problems or is that something unexplainable happened? I will let you decide.

I was told that this coming week or two are very significant because of the astrological setup in the sky. Well, so far this year nothing much really happened even though many people claiming more bad things should be happening. Hopefully these predictions will be proven wrong and that our lives can go back to normal soon.

Time for me to take a break this long weekend!

To my U.S readers, Happy Independence Day!

TLC Weekly Update June 25, 2021


Another week of the stock market squeezing the shorts hard. Next week is end of quarter and the long weekend. I wonder if any bears will be left by the end of next week.

An interesting read about Peter Thiel’s Roth IRA. After reading the whole article, I get a sense of hatred from the author against Mr. Thiel as if he has done something wrong. But what he did is perfectly legal and in fact more people should have done the same. You may not have bought a future unicorn startup but that your relative’s venture of opening a bar may offer you a very decent return still.

Lately many people asked about the upcoming market crash. Well, if that many people are concerned about it, especially from those who are not active investors, it is a sign that even if there is a crash coming, it will take a long time before it happens. How long? Until these people no longer think that the market crash is going to happen …

Ray Dalio has a talk lately whether the stock market is in a bubble. He did a good job explaining the dilemma of the concept and what he thinks the current market level represents. It is a short video worth watching.

Lately there are many “fake” experts posting videos about COVID and the vaccines. These fake experts are usually medical doctors trying to jump on the bandwagon of this trending topic to get more views. However, you must understand that someone with MD is not a scientist. Many of them do not have the proper training to think scientifically. One telltale sign to look for with these fake experts is that they try to explain technical details that they barely understand themselves …

It is hard for normal people to judge who can be trusted on YouTube. It is even more difficult to tell if an “expert” is really an expert at all on the subject they talk about. Adding potential evil intentions and human ignorance to the equation, my suggestion is to stop binge watching COVID related videos. It is better go outside to have a walk and do some exercise. I am sure that will do you more good.

I am very glad that Mercury retrograde is finally over. I experienced so many BSOD within past few weeks that I already lost count. And communication problems also flare up as expected from paperwork missing to outright misunderstanding of some simple terms. Hopefully things get back to normal soon.

I am happy that my self imposed deadline helps me unleash my potential in productivity so much that I think I will have time to spare before end of June. That also means I may be able to give myself a holiday break during next week’s Canada Day / US Independence Day long long weekend. It feels great when I get things done with time to spare.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update June 18, 2021


Quarterly option expiration Friday today and as expected with the stock market indices pinned lower. Nothing special yet the media continues to make up reasons for something that happens regularly. Is it that hard to figure out the third Friday of a quarter end? I am not trying to be mean here … could it be the case that many financial news reporters are having dyscalculia.

Those crypto fans with many followers have been very bullish about bitcoin for like a week now. They even come up with all kinds of charts with squiggly lines to show that Bitcoin has already “bottomed” and that it will go to $100,000 “very soon”. Well, I stand by my prediction made back in April through Twitter and here is the latest update of the chart that I added a few lines (once in mid-May and then Jun 1) to show how easy it is to read a chart like bitcoin due to its participants are mostly emotional beings.


How do I know Bitcoin will go sideway for a month? It is simply basic chart reading. I even wrote a book on chart reading years ago showing how to do it. And here is rule #1 : read the chart from left to right only. Why? So that you cannot add opinions of your own after the fact.

Of course I can be wrong since charts only tell at most 60% of the story. For the well being of the crypto HODL crowd, I wish them luck and that I am wrong because the projected down move is not the end of the drop. I just do not want to give them a heart attack.

Here is a nice video on a pretty bird nesting. Something feel good is called for as the re-opening of the world is happening.

Patrick Boyle has not disappointed and came up with yet another very good video about the current state of the stock markets. What he said is something I know for a long time from my investing in various companies these years. Majority of them chose not to go public because of funding availability in private sector. When you are a profitable business and have all the funding you need to grow, what’s the point of going for IPO. Watch it if you want to understand the subject better.

To round up my clips, here is Paul Tudor Jones talking about the inflation trade (well, we can’t rule out the fact that he maybe touting his positions). I like to add just one minor but deadly point about this view of Fed failing to contain the inflation or that hyperinflation is coming. All it takes the G7 governments to do is manufacturing another “crisis” like alien invasion or a really deadly pandemic to allow for forever printing of money, at least within their sphere of control. In other words, with a very violent transformation from so-called democracy, which is never really the case anyway, into authoritarian states and viola, you can forget about inflation for good …

This week has been a very productive week that I managed to get many things done in a short period of time. Hope that I can keep this up and ready for the deadline (end of June) I imposed on myself to be ready for the soft launch of my proprietary trading. Exciting time!

Happy Father’s Day!

TLC Weekly Update June 11, 2021


Another week fly-by quickly with the stock market floating near its all-time-high. It is not a surprise at all to many of us long time traders while the gurus out there keep calling how overvalued the market is, blah blah blah … Well, always remember these wise words from the economist John Maynard Keynes, “the markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”

Ontario, the Canadian province I am living in, has finally, taken the steps to unwind its lockdown measures. Given the fact that the politicians have vaccination as an excuse, I don’t think they will tighten the lockdown measures again. I am so looking forward to go out this summer.

While I am staying outdoor more, the chance of encountering bees and wasps goes much higher. Searching for ways to fend off these bugs, I found an interesting article about them. If you are going out for outdoor activities too, you may want to read it too.

For those of you bitcoins fans, Tom Bilyeu invited Michael Saylor to his show to talk about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investing. I do not agree with many things Mr. Saylor said in the video. But I like to hear the arguments from someone who holds a different perspective from mine so that I would understand what I may have missed.

Something very disturbing happened this week. A famous biologist and YouTuber, Bret Weinstein, has his videos taken down by YouTube because “they spread disinformation”. Facebook also banned his other videos for the same reason. I’ve watched those videos and they are proper discussion of what’s going on. What makes these social media platforms to have the right or expertise to say these discussions are misinformation?

Here is a video about the global economy at this stage that is not banned by YouTube. It is a reasonably balanced view about the current situation. We really do not know what the outcome will be, given the scale of this global economic experiment is unpreceded. So, watch it and be prepared is not a bad idea.

After major hardware upgrade past few weeks, one of the computers keep crashing with blue screen and then reboot itself. It is extremely annoying and difficult to tell what causes the problem. I hope I can pinpoint the issue over this weekend. Otherwise I may as well setup a another computer to take over. I guess it is just the way things are during Mercury retrograde.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update June 4, 2021


Non-Farm Payroll report today helps sending the stock market higher so far this morning. Looks like we are back to the bad data is good for the stock market regime. How long would it last though given so much money has been pumped into the system yet we are not seeing what the politicians promised …

I found this pair of videos very amusing. First, an attempt to make an unpickable lock. And then how this lock was picked. The way these two guys interact may lead to some real improvements in making locks, finally.

Lately I find an explosion of horoscope videos on YouTube. Many are jumping onto this new era of superstition to see if they can make a career out of it. Well, being an astrologer is not for everyone. Circular argument, ignorance of obvious common sense and choose to creatively interpret the astrology classics would not turn one into an expert of astrology overnight.

I found this video a great snapshot of at least a part of the crypto crowd’s mentality. The theme is really nothing new. Going all-in for instant gratification and when things not going their way just lie to themselves that they are in this for the long term.

I am not against playing with cryptos. I made very decent profit from it myself and have no complain. What I like to point out is that new technology of every generation always led to extreme speculations and crashes. Right now we are going through the process of elimination of those things that should not exist in the first place. Think for a moment, how many of those 9000+ coins are really worth anything at all?

This process usually takes several years to complete. I will take the sign that when these 9000+ coins are reduced down to like fewer than 300, the crypto space will be ready for its next phase.

I was asked a very interesting question the other day about automated strategy generation. My take is very simple, the current quant approach to strategy development, including AI based and genetic programming, will only yield models that are bounded by their framework. As long as the framework they use stays the same, which is serial data analysis, they will not be able to discover anything useful or consistent over time. I collect these platforms since the 1990s and never stop testing out these stuff. Nothing impress me at all so far …

This month I have to focus on polishing our prop trading models. I work best alone when serious research work is required. It feels great to get things done this way.

Have a good weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update May 28, 2021


Today is last trading day for the month of May, It is also the lowest volume week so far for the year. I don’t know what the implication is. Maybe just that the weather is getting so nice that people prefer to go outside to get some fresh air instead of staring at their screens all day.

Next Monday is Memorial Day, a US holiday. As a Canadian, I rarely have a break on Canadian holidays if US markets are open. My holiday schedule actually follows the US ones. So next Monday I will be able to carry out some long overdue chores finally.

This is a very good video on Robinhood IPO Access. Mr. Boyle goes in-depth explaining how IPO works and the historical statistics on IPOs. I could not have done it better myself. So if you want to understand IPOs better, or that you want to invest in IPOs, watch the entire video.

Another process disrupted by internet connectivity – startup funding, has led to some interesting change in the makeup of startup investors. I am not sure what will happen to startup funding with a down trend in economy that almost everyone is expecting that to happen “soon”. The enabling of young people to easily invest into startups is a double-edged sword. Young people often lacks the knowledge and life experience to make smart investment decisions. On the other hand, they have time on their side. With just one good bet on a startup, it can be life changing for them in the future.

For this Memorial Day long weekend, enjoy this video of scotch and puzzle. I like watching this youtube channel during my lunch hour because the videos are pretty short and can distract my mind from my work. A form of ASMR maybe?

For those of you who are into astrology, tomorrow is the start of Mercury retrograde until June 22. I assume astrology fans already know about its general implications. But there is one unique feature of the pattern that people rarely talks about. the 10 days around the start of the retrograde is also a time of inspiration for those who conduct research and deep learning. So take your time to reflect and dive deep in coming few days can help you discover new understanding in things you are stuck at.

I just completed a round of hardware upgrade on my servers to make sure they are battle ready for my prop trading launch. Now that the hardware are mostly ready, I will go back to fine tune the software side. So much work, and as usual, so little time.

Have a great long weekend all!