TLC Weekly Update December 20, 2019


I read this article about the earlier days of Tekken, the famous arcade game created by Namco. Very interesting how things were done back in the days. I don’t think you will see that in any game development companies nowadays.

Meetings still pile on everyday and more people asking to meet up for discussion of their concerns from immigrating to Canada, to alternative investments that generate reasonable return with relatively low risk. Seriously, we can’t blame people for seeking better return – with the current zero interest rate environment, keeping money in the bank hurts.

Good news for my premium members – several new breadth models are now in beta and will be introduced shortly. I need to catch up with the documentation though.

I am returning to Toronto early next week. Hopefully when I arrive the weather will be reasonably good. It is not fun to brave a snowstorm after a long flight.

Have a great weekend everyone!

And Happy Holidays!

TLC Weekly Update December 13, 2019


I finally uploaded the first video lesson for DaytradingBias youtube channel. Let me know whether you like it. All inputs are welcome.

I am typing this update in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The weather here is pretty hot. I am hoping to explore some investment ideas here before leaving early next week.

I came across this article while waiting for my flight. If you live in North America, you need to know about this dangerous mushroom. Check it out.

I was asked very often by traders and investors alike about this US-China deal. Well, no deal is good enough. That’s all I can say. How can the stock market be 15-20% higher from a time that there were no trade conflict at all to the current state of getting a partial deal is good enough?

TLC Weekly Update December 6, 2019


I came across this article on The Sugar Conspiracy telling us the sad story of how the modern nutrition science being all wrong thanks to power struggle and manipulation of data. I especially feel the sadness of how the scientist, John Yudkin, being persecuted by the mobs.

Someone shared this video of the Tonight Show having Gary V on wine tasting. Shortest intro on the subject that is fun to watch too. Since this is the season of drinking, maybe you want to learn a few tricks to show off to your friends.

I just posted a new article to the Defensive Money Management series on position sizing. It is the result of a lengthy conversation with some aspiring traders. As I mentioned last time, there is a very serious disconnect of correct trading concepts and the active trading crowd in Hong Kong. This new article focuses on explaining how to grow your trading business in a way that is sustainable.

I am travelling over the next few days to explore some investment opportunities. Hence the need to post early again this week. Will write about my experience after I go back to Hong Kong.

Have a great weekend everyone!

TLC Weekly Update November 29, 2019


I came across this article about Bill Benter, the pioneer in systematic gambling who made more than a billion dollars in horse-racing. I don’t really have many heroes in my journey towards trading success. However, Benter’s story was a major inspiration for me when his story was first reported in Hong Kong back in the 1990s. His approach to scientifically model horse-racing is no difference from my custom market breadth analysis – we are really looking at the data objectively to figure out what really matters.

I have been busy meeting people from early morning all the way to midnight almost everyday since the day I arrived in Hong Kong. They came from various backgrounds and our meetings are on very diverse subjects due to the fact that I have multiple businesses that somehow, of great interest to all these people. It is good that I get this chance to really summarize the experience here.

Immigration to Canada – hot topic and I was told that people of all social economic status are looking for ways to get out of Hong Kong. Going to Canada is an option but it may not be the best choice. As oppose to hard sell what one of my investment firms can do for the people looking to immigrate to Canada, I listened to them and gave them honest advice whether Canada is a good choice for them.

Here is a list of good reasons if you are thinking of immigrating to Canada:

  • your children are young and you are looking for a place with good education system for their future
  • you were educated in Western countries and like the experience
  • you are thinking of retirement and that a decent healthcare system is your concern

If you are not interested in at least one of the factors above, just the damn cold weather alone can be bad enough to drive you away from Canada. After all, Canada is the country with polar bears.

Stable investment vehicles – this is a new emerging topic as playing in stock markets and real estate no longer generate significant returns for many HKers. The outlook of Hong Kong economic conditions in coming 5 to 10 years will likely be consolidation or even recession as global economic slowdown has already hit last quarter. So smart investors are now waking up to the situation and want to park their money in something stable with reasonable return. And we all know putting money in the banks does not produce any return nowadays.

Well, when looking for alternative investments, it is important to understand what you are getting into so that you do not have the wrong expectation from the product. For example, the high interest rate mortgage investment funds offered by one of my firms is not a term deposit. It is by-design a market driven investment product. It carries some market risk that is relatively much lower than those corporate bonds. The more willing you are in understanding the concepts, the more likely you will accept these investment options.

High return investments – this one is the most interesting topic for which I see a very dysfunctional investment mentality among majority of the Hong Kong population. First of all, way too many people have completely messed up beliefs about investing in general. Although normal people in western countries do share a significant amount of these problematic beliefs, the retail traders and investors in Hong Kong have taken this further by ranking luck as being something tangible … just don’t tell them they don’t know what they are doing.

I will prolong my stay in Hong Kong and probably travel to some other Asian countries to close a few more deals.

For my US readers, Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. I am posting early this week because I do not have computer access in coming two days while on the road.

TLC Weekly Update November 22, 2019


This past week I offered The Art of Chart Reading to my readers for $1 at Amazon. It ended up some readers do not have access to the discount due to the fact that Amazon actually has regional limitations on the discount campaign. I apologize for this inconvenience and will organize other discount directly on my site so that all readers will benefit.

Many of you already know that I travelled to Hong Kong and expressed concern of my safety. I like to say thanks to all of you for sending me messages about this. I am doing fine here in Hong Kong so far and I will stay safe as promised.

During the flight while I was doing my meditation, I dreamed up quite a number of ideas for webinars and video lessons. I am working on the drafts now. The only issue is that I did not bring my microphone here. Hopefully I can record the voiceover here with a replacement.

It is kind of fun doing marathon meditation. I have not done that for several years already. It brings back old memories …

I am extremely busy since I arrived in Hong Kong as I already arranged all these meetings beforehand. It is a very effective way to get things done. Starting next week, when my schedule is not as packed, I will post my thoughts about the current state of the financial markets worldwide.

I have been doing this for almost a decade now. The audience has changed from just my affluent clients to all my readers. Hopefully my take on the markets can help many of you navigate the markets in year 2020.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update November 15, 2019


I receive Tim Ferriss’s email regularly and his latest podcast is now made available on youtube. This podcast is packed with interesting information and I highly recommend it.

I just completed my first ever webinar with introducing DaytradingBias to the community. For those of you who missed it, you can watch it on youtube.

I have arranged a one week special for The Art of Chart Reading at $1. The special offer will end on the 18th. So get it now.

Many thanks to Mike and Terry at Without this opportunity to prepare for the webinar, I would never be able to sit down and reflect on what differentiate DaytradingBias from the rest of the trading services out there. I literally spent days looking deep to distill everything I do at DaytradingBias and ended up having an introduction that is completely different from the first draft.

People who know me for a long time all realize one thing – I don’t take pictures. I could be giving a seminar or lecture while people are recording me live and I am fine with that. For some reasons, I always feel uneasy when people aim at me with their cameras. You can call me camera-shy …

Anyway, need to wrap things up here in Toronto quickly and get ready for my trip to Hong Kong.

Have a great weekend everyone!

TLC Weekly Update November 8, 2019


I came across this video with James Rickards, the lawyer of Long Term Capital Management. LTCM is the firm that nearly brought down the world as we know. This is a great video explaining many things that everyone should watch.

And it is now official, the introduction webinar of DaytradingBias at on Nov 12th 4:30 pm ET. Register now to participate!


For those of you asking about NinjaTrader version of the day trading strategies offered at DaytradingBias, I am happy to say that we are making good progress on that front. When they are ready I will let you know.

I have scheduled a trip going to Hong Kong again later this month. This time it will be a short trip to take care of some business deals. I do not foresee much issues to stay connected. For anyone who like to meet up in Hong Kong, drop me a line and we can work something out for sure.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update November 1, 2019


Reorganization of my working and storage space is half way through. I managed to reduce my storage down to half the original size. It turned out I have so much old records (and junk) that can be throw away. Although it is extremely tiring, it feels great that I am one step closer towards my goal of having a better work environment.

I watched an interesting video about Zilingo’s founder, Ankiti Bose. The video disclosed an important element of her success that is often overlook by aspiring entrepreneur – she has a background in management / financial consulting at one of the big venture capital firms. I am not saying that you have to work at these firms to get the opportunity although that is often the case. What I like to point out is that if you do not educate yourself to know more about finance and how to run your own business efficiently, your chance of success will be quite low.

A more mature look at crypto’s big claims on replacing everything human through smart contracts should be a good warning sign that it will still take years before such idea can really take off. Think of the internet itself, which takes many years before it has all the necessary technical details to enable a secure environment for commerce and usage other than porn.

The introduction webinar at will be held on Nov 12th at 4:30 pm. More details about that will be announced at I am still working on the presentation though. There will be a Q&A session after the short presentation. For those of you interested in DaytradingBias yet not sure if you need the service, feel free to join the webinar and ask questions.

Nov 3rd is end of daylight saving time. Many people will be quite happy to get an extra hour of sleep. It used to be a very busy day for me after daylight saving time change because of the need to adjust the computer clocks manually on all the computers I was using. Another chore disappeared thanks to improvement in technology.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update October 25, 2019


My test drive of Interactive Broker working with MultiCharts is completed. It works pretty well with some minor issues here and there. So far it is definitely a functional setup for automated trading. I will write more about this combination at DaytradingBias.

Nassim Taleb did this interview talking about his book Skin in the Game. I like the way he talked about Paul Krugman and other dysfunctional academics. He really does not give a sh*t and speak whatever he wants.

I have some serious moving to be done this weekend, including some major reorganization of my storage. I need this clean up done for several years. As usual, I procrastinate over these things until one day I just jump on it.

The introduction webinar at is now scheduled on Nov 12th. Those of you interested in participating can visit the site and sign up.

I finally catch up with my backlog of emails. Going forward I will schedule regular webinars at DaytradingBias so that members can just watch the videos instead of firing tons of questions to me. Sometimes it is just that much easier to explain things with pictures and examples that you can see.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update October 18, 2019


It is getting cold here in Toronto. Temperature dropping fast. It looks like a very cold winter is ahead of us.

Many project deadlines are clustered this week onward until beginning of November. So far everything working out fine. Quite a number of these projects are related to DaytradingBias. I will have separate announcement on the site when they are ready.

The introductory webinar with is now rescheduled to November 12. Those who are interested to join can mark the new date down. I will be organizing some kind of special offers to go with the event. I will post more details as we get closer to the webinar.

The hacking of my sites has picked up steam again this week. From what I learned, it happens to many other websites too. My team has no choice but to monitor the situation and deal with the aftermath one attack wave at a time. Here is a real-time map of total number of attacks worldwide handled by the Wordfence network.


For my members who find the sites not loading as quickly as they should, just drop a line to my team by email so that they can look into that as soon as possible.

Came across this article on my LinkedIn feed, Tails, You Win. It illustrates how long tails, or exceptions that happen way too often, really matter and how they persist in the real world. In a way, it is another form of the 80/20 rule many of you already aware of, just that it is much more acute when it comes to any thing that is money related.

I guess writing an article or posting a video on the subject that focus on trading is in order.

Have a great weekend all!