TLC Weekly Update December 31, 2022


Can’t believe this is the last day of the year 2022 yet here we are.

As someone interested in astrology, I did a non-scientific survey on various predictions made by astrologers and psychics on what will happen in year 2023. The consensus is that 2023 will be a year easier for majority of people and things will get better in general. That’s the consensus and I don’t agree.

In Chinese astrology, year 2023, that actually starts from Feb 2-4, is the last year of a 20-year cycle of the “9-star” feng shui system. After that, it will be the start of the next 20-year cycle. Next 20-year cycle is also the end of the 180-year grand cycle. As I am not here to discuss the technical details of these cycles since I am not here to showcase my astrology ability, it is better to just sum it up in one statement – year 2023 will be an extremely disruptive year for most people in the world. It is the start of chaos and destruction for many years to come.

But isn’t that obvious given the geopolitical tension everyway that something will go wrong? And the earthquake cycle has entered its phase of rising number of earthquakes, that some of them will be major disasters? Buckle up.

Zeihan just did a 3 part series on Demographics. Here is part 1 that I think many people should watch the whole series to learn about how demographics is going to impact us in the coming years. It is a theme implied in my article on this dysfunctional future – without enough younger people working, all societies with an aging population will suffer.

Brent Johnson is back on Blockworks Macro with an update to his view on US dollar. Because the swings in US dollar is indeed, the biggest driver of price in all markets this year, we should pay attention to the direction of US dollar to ensure we are standing at the right side of the markets we are trading. Brent’s words on future redraw of the borders among (and within) countries match my view based on Chinese astrology …

For those of you who love to hear the mainstream media narrative of 2023, look no further. Here is The Economist’s year end video on what to pay attention to for year 2023.

As usual, this last day of the year I will continue to work on my projects and keep going all weekend.

Wish You All a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous Year 2023!

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