TLC Weekly Update May 21, 2021


Option expiration Friday today. To the surprise of the new crop of retail traders, the stock market did not go straight up off the open. What they have mistaken as a sign of the stock market bottoming out this week is in reality the normal option expiration dynamics at work. Option market makers can’t just sit there watching their books get toasted by close today, can they?

Hence they do their best to defend the markets from dropping lower on Wednesday to protect the puts they wrote and now on Friday they do their best to put a cap on the rally to protect the calls they wrote. It is really business as usual but the media always put a spin on this.

I was working on upgrading our network infrastructure and somehow when I search for network routing this completely unrelated article came up. It talks about how easy it is to do something extremely malicious to others that police will have a hard time catching the perpetrator. Cyber crime is real and can happen to all of us.

Watched a long discussion between Jordan Peterson and Stephen Fry. Very interesting talk as one of them is a religious person and the other is a declared atheist. It is a great conversation demonstrating how people can conduct meaningful conversation even though the standpoints are not the same.

For those of you interested in financial market outlook, Jeff Gundlach uploaded a video of him presenting his view at a Tony Robbins event. It is a nice summary of his view and what he believes will happen soon. His recommendations for the young guy is priceless.

This weekend will be another brutal week for me to take care of the details before the launch of my proprietary trading venture. It is just over a month away. So much more to get done and I wish I have 40 hours a day.

Have a great weekend all!

For my fellow Canadians, Happy Victoria Day!

TLC Weekly Update May 14, 2021


The sell in May pattern returned this year after many years of hiatus. But then traders who started trading over the past few years would take this as a something that has no place in this new era of Fed printing until it can’t. So, we got a wonder rally today taking the stock market back up to about half of the drop made earlier in the week. At this point, the stock market is not closed yet so I can’t tell which side has won the week.

Nassim Taleb came out with a new video trashing Bill Gates. Not mentioned in the video is that Gates Foundation has been doing the same in many other places for a long time. So the damage is likely done already. I would go as far as contemplating that all the so-called climate change, virus outbreak, alien invasion are all his faults …

World chess champion Magnus Carlsen did it again – he can simply look at a chess board and recall what game it was, including the players involved and in which event. Normal humans can only analyze a board to try to find out the next best move, let alone remember the exact game right after. There is a reason why he is still the world champion today.

For those of you interested in intermittent fasting (IF), check out this video by Dr. Fung. The more clarity you have, the better you will be able to stick to your plan to utilize IF as a tool to keep yourself health. My warning though is not to jump into the more difficult fast until you are comfortable with handling your hungry first. It takes time to train your body to not signal you to eat even though you do not need food yet.

This week I will need to take care of chores that I have no time to deal with over the past few weeks. Will probably grind through them at a slower pace. So much has been done this month yet I still feel like I am behind schedule.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update May 7, 2021


Today is Non-Farm Payroll report Friday and I just can’t believe the so-called economists and Wall Street analysts could have estimated that there would be a blockbuster employment figure. Anyone I know who runs a business tells me that the young adults refused to work because of the support payment they are receiving. The shortage of young adult workers will continue until the support payment stops. It is simply human nature …

Interesting read about Tom Anderson, the co-founder of MySpace – the retro look at social media back then and now. Are we entering a new norm in politicking worldwide thanks to the power of the modern social media?

Lately I discovered that Dr. Huberman has started his own podcast at YouTube. It is great news for anyone who is interested to learn more about themselves through the lens of biology and neuroscience. Dr. Huberman has put in much effort to make these podcast understandable by normal people without the scientific training. You don’t need to watch (or listen to) everything he puts out. Pick and choose the topics you want to know more and I am sure it will be time well spent.

Some of you have email me asking why I am super busy all the time. Well, if I am just trading and do nothing else, I will have a lot of free time on hand. However, I am in the process of building my own proprietary trading firm. I am busy raising fund, interviewing coders and research assistants to help me build the company.

My goal is to grow it big like Renaissance Tech one day. Given Dr. Simons started Renaissance when he was 44 years old, and that it took him and his partners 5 years to really figure out their approach, I am in a good position to start my firm since I already have my trading framework all developed over the years. The lockdown here makes it difficult to look for office space and hiring people. Training is especially hard as many things are much easier done face to face but it makes no sense to wait until after lockdown is over.

I will work on my emails over the weekend. If you are waiting for my reply, I think I will manage to catch up with the rest of my inbox finally.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update April 30, 2021


Another all-time-high week for the stock markets. Now that the major big tech companies all have announced their earnings, we are entering the “Sell in May and Go Away” time window. Be ready for a normal pause in the stock market this coming month. Details of the possible scenarios is already provided to my premium members. We probably need to buckle up for a more volatile market environment over the next few months.

Lately I’ve heard many idiots telling me how bad eating beef is to the environment. This is classic propaganda done by some people with very specific agenda to shape the world. Funny how people can fall for this and spread the lies without understand a word they are told?

Here is a balanced video about the subject.

Many of my friends’ parents are getting to the age with dementia issues. They have been actively looking for drugs to help their parents to slow down the problem. Trying to learn more about this, I came across an interesting read on terminal lucidity. It makes me wonder if I will suffer dementia as I grow older and how to prevent that from happening looks like a high priority for me.

All these governments ordering people to social distance, lockdown and whatsoever they see fit, have failed so miserably because they have absolutely no common sense about human behaviour. As oppose to focus on offering reasonable workarounds (e.g. tell people to start taking Vitamin D / C, injection of Vit. D to patients with symptoms, etc.) and beef up their ICU capacities when they have the luxury over the last nine months, all they are doing is wasting time. Here is a story about New York and the unintended consequence of its government telling its people what’s not allowed.

In peaceful time, when effective governments are not needed, we have the luxury to allow clowns to be elected. We even have a laugh from their dumbness too because whatever they do, it does not really matter. However, in time of crisis, it is these clowns who will destroy people’s lives …

I hope this crisis will soon be over but I suspect that it will not due to extensive vaccination. Here is a video talking about what is now known and what to expect to happen soon. The sad scenario suggested by this doctor implies that we will see massive dying in coming years due to the inability of those who is in charge at understanding nature. I suspect this video will be removed soon so watch it while you can.

Too many complains from me this week. Time to get back to work.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update April 23, 2021


What a roller coaster ride for the stock markets this week. S&P started the week dropping 2% and then magically rallied all the way back up. Yet, after Biden’s capital gain tax announcement, the whole recovery was wiped out once again. Today, we are witnessing the true animal spirit of the bulls who bravely push the stock market back up all the way again. Just like cats with nine lives, this bull market has proven once again it is not ready to die.

I came across this piece about two entrepreneurs taking on McDonald’s and its ice cream machine supplier. My first reaction after reading the whole article is that monopoly can exist not because of someone has a better technology or secret formula. It can also exist when those people in charge do not have the desire to improve customer experience.

If you are into first person flying experience, you may want to check out this amazing drone. Looking at it, the drone technology has really matured over the past few years. I am itching to get one too.

As someone who eat a lot of eggs and like eating eggs, this video proves what I suspected for a long time that not all eggs are equal. More importantly, the nutrition level in the eggs varies a lot but the so-called organic eggs from large companies are no better than their non-organic ones. If you pay attention enough to eat these eggs as-is, you can figure out which ones are better by their taste and texture.

I scheduled this weekend to clear my backlog of emails. For those of you waiting for my reply over the past few weeks, I will do my best to get back to you.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update April 16, 2021


This option expiration Friday is something worth taking note of. We have all 3 major stock market indices at all time high while the expected worldwide “recovery” has turned into more lockdowns and vaccination nightmares. Is it optimism or it is pure animal instinct to bet everything on the stock market to make a few more bucks? I don’t know the answer but I am sure that if this is optimism it will have to face reality soon.

I love eggs. I eat eggs everyday. However I hate peeling egg shell. Funny that I read this article on how to boil egg that will make the egg shell easy to peel off. I will give it a try and report back next week.

Weather here in Toronto finally settled down to above zero. Trees are covered with green sprouts everywhere. And the birds came back too. I saw a bird the other day that looks very special so I tried to find the name for the bird online. Instead, I learned something fascinating about the birds and their annual migration.

Lately, I am trying to add the skill of lock picking to a long list of things I like to master. As I watch through youtube videos about the subject, I find this video on Master Lock very funny, in a dark humour way. It is a very short video and if you need a pad lock make sure you watch it so that you will never buy a Master Lock ever.

After past few weeks of intense catch up to complete multiple projects, I have completed a major milestone while setting up for the next leg of building my proprietary trading business. There are things that I have to wait for the results before I can proceed so I am stuck in a way giving me some extra time. I hope to either write or record some videos for my premium members.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update April 9, 2021


Another week of record new all time high for S&P500 but not quite with Dow and Nasdaq 100. This is definitely an environment that we rarely seen in the past. As far as I remember from my long trading career, this is the second time we see this all-time-high phenomenon. Last time it was the end of year 1999 to the beginning of year 2000.

I warned in my newsletter for my premium members that this year we are going to see problems with essentials. Here is a video from a youtuber contractor telling us how bad things have been with the renovation / construction materials. Things will go way worse before it gets better.

Unlike a growth driven inflation, what we are experiencing is a supply side limitation-driven price hiking. There is no limit to how far such price rising wave will go. It all depends on how desperate the buyers are. If this continues for a long time, it will damage the internals of a economy beyond repair.

I just watched another video from DoubleLine talking to Louis Gave of Gavekal Research. Mr. Gave has unique insights about the long term economic changes that will affect everyone who have an investment portfolio.

A very interesting video about Ireland’s Vitamin D report. For those of you who are told by MDs that you do not need Vitamin D supplement, it is important for you to watch it.

Since it is the beginning of a quarter, I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on. This is also the tax filing season for Canadians. Getting all these accounting work done and then I will be able to relax, say, for an afternoon, before getting back to work on other pressing tasks.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update April 2, 2021


Today Easter Friday is the last day before another round of lockdown imposed on people living in Ontario here. I still do not understand why the government continues to act the way it is without paying any attention to solve the most important issue, namely, increasing the capacity of critical care. Seriously, China already demonstrated what can be done to create temporary critical care units. The whole province is being held hostage to this is beyond my limited understanding of problem solving …

Anyhow, I guess this could be the final fatal blow to many small businesses here. By the end of the second quarter of 2021, the real impact will be felt by those who are not directly affected by these lockdowns. It will be extremely difficult for small businesses to navigate this new era of lockdown happy world.

I bumped into this interesting article about a legendary fabric that no one knows how to produce any more. This lost of a well known technology reminds me of the Antikythera mechanism. Even now, we are still not sure how ancient civilization was able to produce such fine astronomy tool. Here is a link to a discussion about the mechanism.

Since this is a holiday long weekend, it is a good time to enjoy something funny. Chess Grand Master Hikaru did a video of him playing against other players with 7 queens. Enjoy!

So much more work I like to get done this week but thanks to the re-lockdown, many planned projects cannot proceed again, like hardware upgrade and test drive new real-time trading tools. I guess it is best to stick with things I can do by myself over the coming few weeks.

Have a fantastic weekend all!

p.s. there are indeed quite a number of bunnies living in the park nearby …

TLC Weekly Update March 26, 2021


Another week of roller coaster ride with Dow shot back up near all time high while Nasdaq 100 resumed its sell off. S&P got caught in between and could not decide which one to follow. This makes life difficult for many pro traders I know.

For those of you wondering where the market is heading, Michael Burry of “The Big Short” fame has made a series of tweets and then stopped talking about the markets all together. Business Insider made a summary of what he said, enjoy!

His point of view on Bitcoin and Tesla are very interesting. I do not know enough about crypto to say that they are “fads”. However, I am very sure every car company will catch up with Tesla eventually. And I agree with Mr. Burry on EVs being a fad because EVs are not good for driving under many conditions from extreme coldness and a post apocalyptical world with no electricity.

I have a friend being diagnosed with excessive iron in her blood. Well, most people do not know that cast iron pans can overload people with iron even if you are on a diet with insufficient iron. Read this article to understand why.

Last weekend I spent it all on hardware upgrade. This weekend I will be on turbo mode to complete some coding. Just don’t understand why something always pop up that require emergency attention. Must be some damn astrology setup on my chart … LOL

Jeff Gundlach, the “bond king”, has a new webcast made for his clients and released to youtube about a week later. It is packed with proprietary data models and analysis. If you are interested in understanding the current economy, this video is a must-watch.

Here in Toronto the weather finally goes back up to above zero and the huge piles of ice on the streets are melt away over the last few days. It is very nice to be able to walk outside without putting on layers of clothes. Being able to stroll around while tackling difficult programming problems helps a lot.

Have a great weekend all!

TLC Weekly Update March 19, 2021


Another hectic week is over with Dow hitting 33200 for the first time in history. For investors and active traders, where the stock markets are heading from here can be tricky. Multiple factors from inflation to no more stimulus can disrupt this gravy train suddenly. It will be very interesting to see where the stock market will be in a few weeks.

I watched this interesting video about a fiverr freelancer who grow her business to making more than $300,000 a year over a few years time. It is definitely an inspiration to anyone who want to do better financially. It is another example of hard work and persistency that pays off.

For Jordan Peterson’s fans, it looks like he is recovering and this podcast from Bret Weinstein with Peterson is delightful to watch. It is rare these days we get intelligent discussions these days let alone open discussions among experts.

It is fascinating to see what cells actually look like. And it is nothing like what I imagined. I didn’t know the technology has been there for sometime already. This busy schedule I am keeping seriously affected my ability to keep up with the latest development in medical science.

More work to be done this week including some hardware upgrade I have planned late last year. The whole project was on hold due to shipment delay from pretty much everywhere in the world. Once this is taken care of I can happily cross it from my “must-do” list.

Have a great weekend all!